Just prior to birth, the majority of babies are in a head-down position in the mother’s uterus. However, there are times when the baby is in the position of feetfirst. This is called breech birth. Most babies are breech in the initial stages of pregnancy, but the majority of them reverse to the headfirst position close to the end of the pregnancy. Call our breech birth injury lawyers today at Chalik & Chalik for a free consultation. Our Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys offer free, no obligation consultations.
Babies who are born prematurely are more prone to be breech. A breech birth could be caused by an unnatural amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. As the due date approaches, the physician will be able to determine whether the baby is breech by performing a physical exam, an ultrasound or both.
Find a Fort Lauderdale Breech Birth Injury Lawyer Near Me
(954) 476-1000There is a possibility that there will be more complications if the baby is breech. When physicians deliver a breech baby vaginally, there is a higher chance for a birth injury during or following delivery than when babies are delivered headfirst. Additionally, vaginal delivery of breech babies is more likely to lead to the development of a birth injury in which there is separation between the infant’s hip socket and thigh bone.
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(954) 476-1000