Infants are more susceptible to head injury than adults given that their heads are proportionately bigger and they have yet to develop the muscles and coordination that adults have. While most head injuries in infants are minor, serious brain injuries can occur in traumatic accidents and during complicated births. Causes of Infant Brain Injury Infants,…
Babies are quite fragile and require a lot of care. No parent wants to see their child suffer from a birth injury. A birth injury is when an injury occurs to a baby during or soon after birth, often while they are still in the hospital. There are many kinds of birth injuries. Here are a few to know about.
Palsy is a form of nerve damage. Brachial Plexus Palsy (Erb’s Palsy) and Krupke’s Palsy are often caused when a doctor pulls too hard on a baby as they leave the womb. The former causes damage to the arm nerves, while the latter causes damage to the leg nerves. Erb’s Palsy often happens when babies are too large and get their shoulders stuck on the mother’s pelvis, a condition called shoulder dystocia.
Cerebral palsy happens when the brain is damaged in some way that affects motor control. There are lots of ways for this to happen. While it can be caused by a birth defect, it can also be caused by a birth injury. There have been many lawsuits filed against doctors for causing cerebral palsy in a baby because they damaged the brain in some way.
Another common condition for babies is infant jaundice. If treated, this usually is not a problem. But untreated infant jaundice can cause a form of brain damage called kernicterus and cause life-long complications.
We have collected stories and information about birth injuries so you can learn more about these conditions. If you feel that a medical professional has harmed your baby, do not hesitate to reach out to Chalik Law for a free consultation.
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