A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that mistakes on the part of drivers are the cause of 94 percent of all car accidents, and about 87 percent of drivers engage in unsafe behaviors.
Meanwhile, the number of deaths from car accidents has risen sharply. In 2015, there were 38,300 fatalities and 4.4 million injuries caused by automobile collisions, according to the National Safety Council. That represents a 9 percent increase from the number of deaths in 2014, which is the largest percentage increase in the last half-century. The situation is even worse in Florida, where 2,955 people lost their lives in car accidents, representing an 18 percent increase from the 2014 total of 2,501 highway deaths.
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(855) 529-0269Safety officials said that there were more miles driven in 2015 than in 2014, and they identified lower unemployment and lower gas prices as factors that led to more cars being on the road. However, motor vehicle mileage increased by only 3.5 percent from 2014 to 2015, so that is not a full explanation for the increase in road deaths. Safety council representatives said that drunk driving, speeding and distracted driving are the major causes of car accidents.
The AAA Foundation report identified other driver behaviors that cause accidents. The report said that drowsy driving, failing to wear a seat belt and running red lights are all common causes of collisions.
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