If you are ever injured or someone you love is in a Florida car accident, you will want to make sure that you have adequate insurance coverage. States will vary in what insurance they require of drivers.
Florida is a no-fault insurance state, which means that your insurance company steps in and pays your medical expenses related to your car accident, no matter if the accident was your fault or not.
The amount your insurance agrees to pay in medical expenses will be determined by the specifics of your insurance policy. This is why it is important to know what coverage you have, which can help protect you down the road if you should need to make a claim.
As Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers, we see victims of car accidents unaware of what their insurance actually covers, leaving them unable to recover full damages even when the need is clearly determined.
In Florida, to operate a car, you are required to carry$10,000 of each:
- PPI insurance, which is personal injury insurance that covers medical expenses related to a car accident.
- PDL insurance, which covers property damage, such as the vehicle totaled in an accident.
In addition to the minimal requirements that Florida requires for insurance, there are add-ons that should be considered, including comprehensive, collision, and bodily injury liability.
There is also underinsured and uninsured motorist insurance, which is a broad coverage that helps to ensure that you can recover full damages if you were in an accident that caused complicated injuries with a driver with little or no insurance at all.
Clearly there are a number of insurance choices for Florida drivers, in addition to what is required. Make sure you are fully covered before you are ever in a car accident.
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