Be Safe This Halloween and Have Fun!
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(855) 529-0269Congratulations on the newest member of your family! In addition to loading up on diapers and burp cloths, you will have to think about how to dress your ever-growing infant. Factors like affordability, durability, style and comfort certainly are important when it comes to shopping for infant clothes. Do not, however, overlook the importance of...
You will make lots of important purchasing decisions as a parent. Safety is the number one consideration when you’re shopping for an infant car seat, a convertible car seat or a booster car seat. Below are a few tips to help ensure you buy the right car seat and protect your child in the event of an...
Children are highly susceptible to unintentional injuries; in fact, for kids ages one to 14, falls and being struck by an object were the leading causes of emergency room visits in 2009-10, according to When our children are injured, particularly if it’s in our home, we often feel responsible, even when there is no...
There are millions of American children in daycares across the country. Daycare facilities are meant to be safe and secure places to keep our children. However, numerous types of dangers and hazards in the daycare setting cause thousands of preventable childhood injuries each year. If your child was injured due to the daycare center’s negligence,...