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(855) 529-0269The Florida Supreme Court permitted a family to resume their birth injury claim against the University of Miami (UM). According to the Florida Record, the parents of a child who is currently age 17 filed a lawsuit against UM, alleging that at the time of his delivery at Jackson North Maternity Center in Miami-Dade County,...
A West Palm Beach, Florida, couple has filed a birth injury lawsuit against an obstetrician who they claim caused their son’s cerebral palsy by choosing to extract him with a vacuum pump instead of allowing a natural delivery. The boy, now 16 years old, was born with the condition on March 6, 1998, and currently...
A Florida couple filed a personal injury lawsuit against pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) on Nov. 6. They alleged that their son suffered birth injuries after his mother was prescribed Zofran, a GSK drug, during her pregnancy. The lawsuit claims negligence and intentional misrepresentation on GSK’s part, among other charges. The couple is seeking compensatory and...
A Florida woman has filed a lawsuit against a certified nurse midwife (CNM), alleging that the midwife’s negligence caused her baby to experience a brachial plexus injury during childbirth. According to the complaint, Barbara Carroll, CNM, did not provide appropriate care to the woman, who had been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had already been...
What lawyer qualifications should I look for if I’m pursuing a birth injury case? Past experience with similar cases is one of the most important lawyer qualifications to look for when hiring an attorney. This means an attorney who’s handled similar birth injury cases is typically the best suited to handle an Erb’s palsy case,...
It doesn’t seem fair. Why did your baby suffer cerebral palsy? Why your family? Sadly, there are some things in life that go unanswered and just don’t make sense. Although we know why this Florida birth injury occurred – due to negligent doctors – it still doesn’t make you feel any better. Many parents of...
How serious is Erb’s Palsy? Like any birth injury, the seriousness of Erb’s palsy depends on the severity of the underlying injury. The effects may be temporary, or the child may experience them for the rest of his or her life. Contacting a Florida Erb’s Palsy attorney can be extremely beneficial to both you and...
You Didn’t Expect This… No parent wants to see their newborn injured, sick or in pain. It’s even worse when the injury could have been prevented! Infants are the most precious gifts. Obstetricians begin caring for them before they are born, by monitoring and caring for expectant mothers. Unfortunately, pregnancy is a very vulnerable...
When a mother hears that her newborn baby suffered a birth injury, she is often not prepared for this news and doesn’t know much about birth injuries. So, when a mother hears the terms Erb’s palsy and shoulder dystocia used after her baby is born, she needs to understand the connections between the two birth...
If your child has suffered a birth injury due to the negligence of doctors or medical staff, you may be considering taking legal action to pursue fair compensation for medical expenses. Birth injuries can have a lasting impact on your child’s life and will likely require constant medical care. There are a number of important...
Wrongful birth is a type of pediatric malpractice. It occurs when a parent is not given information about potential birth defects or medical complications that could influence the parent’s decision to avoid conception or terminate a pregnancy. Depending on the circumstances, you may be eligible to recover compensation from the doctor who performed a wrongful...
What Are Some Types of Palsy Resulting from Birth Injuries in Infants? Injury during the birthing process can lead to certain types of palsy including: Erb’s: A type of paralysis from injury to the arm’s upper nerves. Klumpke’s: A type of paralysis from damage to the forearm or hand. Brachial Plexus: Injury of the spinal...