Fleet industries and consumers alike often wonder whether or not retreaded tires are as safe and reliable as tires with virgin casings. Across the board, from university researchers to trucking forums, there is no research or even anecdotal evidence that shows any differences in quality amongst the two. Pros of Retreaded Tires The primary reason…
When a defective product is discovered, a manufacturer should issue a recall to protect the public. Sometimes a judge will force a company to do that. When this happens, it may be reported in the local news media.
On this page, we’ve collected information about recalls and defective products in Florida from news sources. All sources have been cited in the individual articles. We also encourage you to go to recalls.gov to see the latest recalls reported by the federal government.
We trust the products on store shelves to be safe. We have to. We don’t have the money to buy and test every product we get, nor do we want to be human guinea pigs for testing! That’s why manufacturers are supposed to test their products themselves before releasing them to the public.
It’s also why companies can pay big if they put a defective product out in the market. A defective product often leads to class action lawsuits, like the Takata airbag lawsuits or the current Johnson & Johnson baby powder lawsuits.
A personal injury lawyer can tell you if there is an existing class action suit and whether or not it’s better to join it or file a separate lawsuit. It depends on the situation. Chalik Law can give you a free consultation to share your story. We will then advise you on the best course of action for your circumstances.
If a product hurts you and you used it in a safe manner, you deserve to get compensation for it. Your report could be the start of removing an unsafe item from stores and saving the lives and health of others.
Tire Blowouts: How They Occur and How to Repair Them
Tire blowouts are a serious matter on the road because they can lead to severe accidents. There are many different causes of tire blowouts. After the blowout, there may be legal claims drivers can pursue if they suffered harm from an accident. Tire Blowout Causes Roadway conditions are a major cause of tire blowouts. If…