The Orlando Sentinel reported recently that a Sanford man was killed in a motor vehicle accident on Interstate 4 in the Lake Mary area on the afternoon of Monday, February 22.
According to officials with the Florida Highway Patrol, the incident took place on Monday, February 22, 2021 between 2:40 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) along Interstate 4, on the entrance ramp to Lake Mary Boulevard. A Sanford man, 53 years of age, was killed in the incident. The preliminary investigation showed that a woman from Longwood, 61 years of age, entered the westbound lanes of I-4 from the ramp and abruptly executed a multi-lane change to the left-most lane, causing the Sanford man’s sedan to strike the left side of her SUV. He was medically transported to South Seminole Hospital, where he succumbed to the injuries he sustained in the accident. The Longwood woman was also seriously injured in the accident.
The accident is currently under an active investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol and eyewitnesses are asked to contact the FHP with any information.
Neither person’s identities were released by the Florida Highway Patrol, and no other information was given to the press. There is no word on other passengers in either vehicle or their conditions.
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