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(855) 529-0269Florida hospitals have among the highest cesarean section rates for low-risk pregnancies for first-time mothers in the nation. Consumer Reports analyzed C-section data reported by more than 1200 hospitals across the country. They found C-section rates varied significantly among institutions and within the same communities. Low-risk pregnancies are defined as those in which the baby...
A Florida woman has filed a lawsuit against a certified nurse midwife (CNM), alleging that the midwife’s negligence caused her baby to experience a brachial plexus injury during childbirth. According to the complaint, Barbara Carroll, CNM, did not provide appropriate care to the woman, who had been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had already been...
Brain damage is among the most serious birth injuries a baby can suffer. It can be caused by head trauma during the delivery process due to oxygen deprivation and decreased blood flow to the baby’s brain. Brain trauma can affect a child’s ability to grow and develop normally, impacting their entire life. A new study...
A study from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada has found that births performed at home with the help of a midwife are less costly than hospital deliveries and are equally safe for low-risk births. The researchers examined home births by registered midwives in British Columbia over a four-year period. They found that...
A Florida couple filed a personal injury lawsuit against pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) on Nov. 6. They alleged that their son suffered birth injuries after his mother was prescribed Zofran, a GSK drug, during her pregnancy. The lawsuit claims negligence and intentional misrepresentation on GSK’s part, among other charges. The couple is seeking compensatory and...
Health experts are urging pregnant women to eat healthy and exercise in order to combat obesity and reduce the pregnancy risks associated with it. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), more than 50 percent of the nation’s childbearing-age women are obese, overweight or have chronic diseases when becoming pregnant. Obese women...

The United States has a high caesarean-section rate of 32.5 percent in comparison to the average of 28 percent among developed nations. The high rate has been controversial as the surgical procedure is not always medically necessary. While C-sections may be performed due to a woman’s personal preference, in some cases they are required for...

Simulation using manikins is becoming an integral part of medical training around the country to help improve the quality of care for patients. Research indicates that simulated learning environments contribute to preparing medical staff for emergencies, enhance their skills and allow them to practice rarely used procedures. In addition, simulator training is credited with reducing...

Cerebral palsy can occur because of a maternal illness during pregnancy or a disease obtained during infancy, but when cerebral palsy is caused by a medical mistake during the labor and delivery process, it is overwhelming to know that it could have been avoided. Sadly, cerebral palsy is not curable. When this Florida birth injury...

Researchers have claimed doctors should not assume that a mother who has previously undergone a vaginal delivery is exempt from the risk of her subsequent babies sustaining brachial plexus birth injuries. A recent study analyzed all brachial plexus birth injuries that occurred between October 2003 and March 2013 at an academic medical institution. There were...

As an expectant mother, you most likely learned how to breathe properly during childbirth by attending a Lamaze class. Or you may have learned hypnosis childbirth to enter into a hypnotic state in order to deal with the pain of a natural childbirth. Whatever you learned and prepared for may be different than what actually...

The parents of a baby born in 2013 filed an Erb’s palsy lawsuit alleging that their infant son will suffer neurological damage and be disabled for the rest of his life due to the negligence of physicians and the attending midwife at his birth, at Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida. The birth injury lawsuit...

Erb’s palsy can be the basis for a birth injury lawsuit. Erb’s palsy is one kind of brachial plexus palsy. It is a paralysis of the arm caused by an injury to the brachial plexus, a network of nerves in the neck that leads to nerves in the arm. Erb’s palsy causes lack of motion...

A doctor may be responsible for Erb’s palsy in cases of medical negligence. The doctor’s error could occur during prenatal care, labor or delivery. Additionally, a failure to diagnose and begin treatment for Erb’s palsy may signal negligence. Parents may pursue compensation in a birth injury claim stemming from a doctor’s mistake. Compensation can address...

If your child has suffered a birth injury due to the negligence of doctors or medical staff, you may be considering taking legal action to pursue fair compensation for medical expenses. Birth injuries can have a lasting impact on your child’s life and will likely require constant medical care. There are a number of important...

First it is important to note that not all birth injuries are caused by medical malpractice, so not every injury is grounds for a lawsuit. However, there are several types of birth injuries that are often caused by mistakes on the part of doctors or other medical personnel. When that is the case, the families...

There is no one single cure for Erb’s palsy. The likelihood of recovery depends on the severity of the underlying injury. Proper medical and therapeutic care may remedy the effects of the injury or lessen the long-term impact. Unfortunately, the effects may be permanent in the most severe cases of nerve damage. Common Erb’s Palsy...

Some common birth injuries associated with C-sections include: Facial or body cuts Fractures Spinal cord injuries In addition to these common C-section birth injuries, other risks are present if the anesthesiologist did not administer the drug properly during a C-section delivery procedure. These potential injuries include low blood pressure, blood clots, and internal bleeding. There...